Predictive models

We transform your students’ data to unlock its predictive and prescriptive power, while we offer opportunities to improve students’ engagement with your institution.

modelos predictivos
aprendizaje automático
Circulo png

Stay one step ahead

Predictive modeling is a set of statistic tools, automatic learning, and data mining that help identify patterns in the data history stored in your platforms (SIS, LMS, CRM, ERP, etc.). When applied to education, it helps predict students’ possible outcomes.

Types, applications, and benefits of predictive models

We support you all along the process

We collaborate with your team in understanding their processes. In this way, we ensure system adjustment and, more importantly, we increase student success together.

eficiencia gestión estudiantil
Strategy formulation

We help you improve the efficiency of your student management.

automatización de procesos
Process automation

We advise you on how to design process automation to retain students.

Capacitación y acompañamiento
Training and support

Throughout change management process, we will be with you every step of the way.

soporte técnico Nimbi
Technical support

We are a click away to help you.

How can you leverage your retention strategy with Nimbi?

Request a demo with the Sales team and we will contact you asap.