2nd Webinar: Strategies based on data to improve students’ journey

Join us for this webinar series, which will be attended by experts who will talk about the challenges in Higher and Lifelong Education.

At Nimbi we are more than pleased to host and participate in this webinar series which will address different and significant issues about students’ support and success in Higher and Lifelong Education.

Given the changes brought by the pandemic and the advent of online education models, it is essential to keep students engaged and motivated in their studies while they feel supported. This is a challenging but exciting time due to the technological advances, particularly in student support and management.

An expert panel will talk about these challenges and opportunities in the second webinar on Wednesday, November 24. This free and online event will focus on:

  • The processes to understand real student engagement and how to measure their interaction with the institution.
  • Strategies and coordination between the different technological actors in educational institutions.
  • Future prospects.

To join the webinar, click this link on November 24 at 11 a.m. (CH) / 9 a.m. (CO and PE) / 8 a.m. (MX): Webinar registration – Zoom.

Feel free to share this information with any contacts who might be interested in attending this event. You can also send us an email if you can’t attend the webinar and want to watch the recording later.

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